QNX Command Explanation Unix Command
use Print a usage message man
pwd Determine your current directory where
cd Change directory Cd
cp Copy files and file hierarchies cp
ls List the contents of a directory ls
 mv Rename (move) files and directories mv 
 rm Delete (remove) files  rm 
 id Return userid  who 
 ssh Provides secure remote connections  ssh 
telnet User interface to the TELNET protocol telnet
ped Photon editor -
qde Launch QNX IDE -
xpdf PDF file reader -
 mozilla  Internet browser -
 which  Locate a program file which 
grep  Search for string patterns  grep 
Find Find files based on search criteria find
mkdir Create directories mkdir
rmdir Remove directories rmdir
cat Concatenate and display files cat
vi Visual interface editor clone vi
less or more Display output on a page-by-page basis less/more
textto Convert text files to DOS format -
chmod Change a file's permissions/attributes chmod
ln Create hard and symbolic links ln
tar Create/Extract a "tape archive" tar
kill Terminate or signal processes kill
ps Report process status ps